Example: Parents who enroll their children in after-school programs will miss fewer days of work in one year and will have a more positive attitude toward work, as measured by the Attitude Toward Work survey, than will parents who do not enroll their children in such programs.
- 一個好的研究假設是以聲明而非以問題的形式表述。別使用 "Do you think parents and the companies...?"
- 一個好的研究假設會提出研究者期望之變數間的關係。前述假設描述了"after-school child care", "parents' attitude toward work", "absentee rate" 之間的關係。
- 一個好的研究假設會反映出所立基的文獻或相關理論。前述假設或許是基於以下文獻的探討:父母若知道他們的小孩在一個結構性的環境下被照料,父母將會有較高的工作生產力。而,課後安親班就代表這樣的一個環境。
- 研究假設必須簡短、切中要點。
- 研究假設必須是可試驗的(testable)、可評量的。試著想想在前述假設中的三個變數要如何衡量?有沒有 了"after-school child care"問就知道了; "parents' attitude toward work"可以用 Attitude Toward Work survey量表衡量(順帶一提,這個量表是課本中假想的量表) , "absentee rate"可以從打卡情況看得出來。
如果把這個研究假設改成... "Parents who enroll their children in after-school care feel better about their jobs",那...
資料來源:Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics